34 Products

  • Single Origin Dark Collection

    This collection of five tablets is the perfect gift for any dark chocolate lover. Ranging in flavor notes from plum and bourbon to cocoa and molasses, these single origin tablets will satisfy any craving any time. This collection includes all of our plain dark chocolate tablets, as well as a couple of our most popular inclusion dark chocolates.

    Net Weight: Each tablet weighs 50 grams. Total weight is 250 grams.

    Storage: Store in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight. For best flavor, consume within 9 months.

  • White and Milk Chocolate Collection

    These three tablets are the perfect gift for any chocolate lover who goes for lighter chocolates. This collection includes our Caramel Cocoa Nib White Chocolate, 45% Uganda Milk Chocolate, and 50% Ghana Cafe au Lait Milk Chocolate tablets.

    Net Weight: Each tablet weighs 50 grams. Total weight is 150 grams.
    Storage: Store in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight. For best flavor, consume within 9 months.